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Using a SwiftUI view in UIKit

·816 words·4 mins
It’s no longer news that SwiftUI is part of our iOS developer ecosystem. We have more and more opportunities with this technology and it’s high time to project ourselves with it. So when we create a new graphical component, we always ask ourselves: do I create it in SwiftUI so that it’s compatible with the future? Or do I do it with my good old UIKit to make sure I’ve got everything right?


UIKit ViewController with SwiftUI

·1142 words·6 mins
UIKit ViewController with SwiftUI # If you are curious like me, you must have tested SwiftUI. Personally I like this framework more and more. But I will tell you about my feedback in another article. However I have to reproach it for something: it still lacks a lot of things! And yes, SwiftUI tries to join all the worlds (iOS, macOS, …) in one. The problem is that the task is not easy.