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macOS xattr attributes

·393 words·2 mins
What is a file attribute? # I will probably push an open door, but a file system has attributes on the files. In particular, the read, write and execute of each file and this for the different groups: -rw-rw-r-- 1 kelvas users 5120 Jul 09 04:30 sample.txt But these attributes were not enough for many cases. So an extension was added to the inodes to allow more functionality on the files: the extended attributes or xattr.


Incomprehensible errors

·1340 words·7 mins
As you’ve probably gathered from the previous articles, I mostly do iOS and Android mobile. But from time to time, I go outside this mobile bubble to do other things. The interesting thing about doing Xamarin for mobile is that it’s easy to port our application to desktop environments. But when I left my iOS and Android cocoon, I quickly realized that the tools for desktop development were not necessarily as advanced as their smartphone brother.