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Kelvas blog

Kévin Sibué (as Kelvas)

Passionate mobile developer 


Hello Huston ... We have a problem

·308 words·2 mins
But what is this error? Have you ever had that moment, in front of your debugger, when you look at the error message, remember what you’ve just done that last modification and … nothing. Nothing makes sense. via GIPHY Just today I experienced such a moment. I’m currently working on a new application in .NET MAUI. I was making a generic class for managing the application’s pages. I was implementing this in a real case and the BOOM 💥 I get this error displayed on my Visual Studio :

Using a SwiftUI view in UIKit

·816 words·4 mins
It’s no longer news that SwiftUI is part of our iOS developer ecosystem. We have more and more opportunities with this technology and it’s high time to project ourselves with it. So when we create a new graphical component, we always ask ourselves: do I create it in SwiftUI so that it’s compatible with the future? Or do I do it with my good old UIKit to make sure I’ve got everything right?

A new language is available! 🇫🇷

·188 words·1 min
We take the same and we start again # As you already know I am a French mobile developer and I like to share with you all my knowledge in this field. In order to reach as many people as possible I have written most of the time in English. But I find that the iOS, Android and .NET community lacks some resources in our beautiful language. That’s why I decided to provide my articles always in English for the greatest number but also in French!

Convert a closure or a delegate to async / await

·1331 words·7 mins
With Swift 5.5 and the SE-0296 it is now possible to use async / await as in many languages such as C#, Typescript, Javascript or even Rust. Until now we handled asynchronism in three different ways: the delegated as Apple does a lot, closures (also called completionHandler) as many do or with RxSwift or other libraries like Promise. But with the arrival of async / await it is no longer necessary to go through all that.

assert, precondition and fatalError

·1466 words·7 mins
Have you ever crashed your application on purpose? Who would want to do that? What if I told you that there are tools for that and that it can be very useful, do you believe me? Let’s take a look at it together! assert # If you come from languages like C or C++, assert will be the keyword you are most familiar with. And for good reason, it does exactly the same thing as an assert in C.